Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fight Like A Girl

Who do you know that his been affected by breast cancer? Is it your mother, your grandmother, aunt, sister, or friend? Is it you?
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and as such I implore you to spread the word to everyone you know about the importance of breast cancer screening. This largely curable disease has taken too many lives needlessly. This is mostly because many women think they will never be the one to receive the diagnosis and so they choose not to participate in the simple screening process. Even worse, how many women know they should get screened but are too busy caring for those around them, their spouses, kids, friends and co-workers, so they don't have time to focus on themselves?
As a real estate agent, you are an person of great influence. Your ability to use your influence in a positive and rewarding way is the most important job you have. With access to hundreds, if not thousands, of people throughout your personal network, you have the ability to share good information. You have the ability to save lives. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month I ask you to spread the word about the importance of breast cancer screening. Whether you print Breast Cancer Awareness materials from the website (www.nbcam.org) to share with the people you know or you send a Mammograms Save Lives E-Card to everyone you know (CLICK HERE), the five or ten minutes you spend today could mean a lifetime to someone you know.
There is a reason your database is called your sphere of influence. Your influence can change the world. Keep up the great work in all that you do.
Here are additional resources for you to share....

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