Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve at RE/MAX

The phones are quiet today and a few agents are popping in and out of the office as I sit here and update the blog. Yesterday I read a fantastic book, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, and I encourage anyone who has not yet read it to go get it TODAY! It's a quick read. I read it in just a few hours and it's life changing! It's a perfect book to sit by the fire and read this holiday because it's easy to get so wrapped up in this somewhat commercialized holiday, that it's easy to forget what is really important in life. Anyway.... read this book if you can find some spare time. It's truly awesome. Coincidentally our agents will be getting to see Mitch Albom speak at an upcoming sales rally on January 9th. Now that I've read this book, I can hardly wait. So, a lot has happened since I last updated the blog. The season took over and there are many things I didn't get to, including my blog. Some of the highlights this month include the RE/MAX Prestige & Unlimited Mortgage Adopt a Family. Our companies adopted 25 local DSS families for the holidays. Andy and I made 6 trips to DSS with car loads of presents for local families. We want to thank our team for helping us with that. We also had an unbelievable holiday party on the 14th. We had over 120 guests and it was held at the Wyndham in Andover. Our ver own, Joanna Dendrolivanos, did an unbelievable rendition of Silent Night to our gracious crowd. As well, we had a visit from the YMCA carolers and a pop-by by good old St. Nick himself. It was a great time. Anyway, Andy and I wish everyone a fantastic holiday. Take advantage of this time and spend it with loved ones and if you're feeling a little overwhelmed by everything, pick up a copy of Tuesdays with Morrie, grab your favorite blanket, go to your bedroom, shut the door and read. Enjoy!