Friday, September 18, 2009

Tax Credit Coming To an End

With 73 days left until the tax credit expires our agents are working diligently on several fronts to help as many buyers as possible. On the one hand our agents are doing their part to petition Congress to extend the tax credit. On the other hand, they are working feverishly to help buyers find the home of their dreams in the next few weeks. Right now it takes an average buyer approximately 45 days to secure financing on a home. This means that a buyer that wants to take advantage of the tax credit really needs to have a home under agreement in the next two to three weeks. As well, we are advising buyers that now is not the time to buy a distressed property which will require short sale negotiation because there is certainly no guarantee that the short sale will be negotiated in less then 2.5 months. The best we can do is work hard to fufill the needs of every last homebuyer out there while at the same time taking precautions to make sure these transactions close on time so that nobody loses out on the tax credit.

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