Monday, January 5, 2009

Our Do NOT do List for 2009!

So 2009 has arrived and all of us have spent some time putting together a resolution list. Andy and I sat down recently to discuss our resolutions for our companies and there were too many to list! We have so many goals we expect to achieve this year with regard to helping our agents increase business and work more efficiently so they can have more time with their families. When we looked at our resolution list we were a bit anxious about everything we had put on our plate. Then someone told us that we should make a Do NOT do list for 2009 instead of a TO DO list for 2009. So... here's a glimpse of our Do NOT do List for the New Year...

1. We will NOT allow even one agent or loan officer at our companies feel as though it is impossible to meet their dreams or goals.
2. We will NOT set unrealistic goals or expectations for our companies or for ourselves.
3. We will NOT become complacent in our businesses or in our lives.
4. We will NOT take our agents, our staff, our loan originators, or the clients that serve us all for granted.
5. We will NOT forget that this real estate market will pass... and so will the next really good one.

This is just a few of the items from our Do NOT do list for 2009. If you're finding that your resolution list is a bit too long, try this list instead.

Happy New Year!

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