Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm A Sports Illustrated Centerfold!

Good Afternoon: Famous Supermodel Tyra Banks once said that she knew she made it big when she made the centerfold of Sports Illustrated. Well, RE/MAX made it big a long time ago, but this month we also made it into a beautiful double page photo spread in Sports Illustrated where our RE/MAX hot air balloon, the most recognized logo in real estate, was featured on the scoreboard at The World Series. When people think smartphone, they think Blackberry. When they think car safety, Volvo. When they think real estate, they think RE/MAX. More than $75 million a year is spent making sure one name stands out amongst the many that consumers may choose from....RE/MAX. If you think brand doesn't matter, think again because that Kleenex you just used is really a Brand and the seller down the street didn't decide to call a real estate firm, they chose to call RE/MAX.


RE/MAX Glows in Sports Illustrated World Series Photo
You can't miss the RE/MAX Balloon Logo in a Sports Illustrated photo spread in the magazine's Nov. 8 issue. The photo captures the scoreboard at AT&T Park in San Francisco during Game 2 of the 2010 World Series last month.

The first two games of the five-game series were held by the bay, and that means tens of millions of fans and TV viewers saw your brand. Now add to that SI's millions of subscribers and readers.

RE/MAX was a 2010 season sponsor of the World Series champion San Francisco Giants, and the partnership benefits extended into the postseason. As fans filled AT&T Park for games one and two, they passed dozens of RE/MAX banners all along the Embarcadero waterfront roadway. And the some 40,000 in attendance each day (plus countless TV viewers) couldn't miss the 19-by-13-foot lighted RE/MAX Balloon prominently placed on the scoreboard.

Other Giants sponsorship benefits in 2010:
Bloopers scoreboard feature sponsored by RE/MAX
RE/MAX Balloon logo on 7,500 mesh jerseys
Prominent placement of RE/MAX banners and the cold-air balloon
RE/MAX logo on 20,000 Buster Posey T-shirts
TV and radio promotions
Discounted regular season tickets for RE/MAX offices and agents

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