Thursday, October 28, 2010
A Thanksgiving Pie For You
Encore Presentation - Killer Listing Presentations
Thanksgiving Pie Pop By
This year we will once again be offering the Thanksgiving Pie Reverse Pop By program to those agents interested in participating. Here is how it will work.
We will prepare personalized Thanksgiving postcards for you to send to your sphere of influence. Reply to this email with the number of postcards you would like. You will be charged $12.50 for every 100 postcards printed. You will be responsible for getting them mailed (or working with your admin to get them mailed). We will have your cards delivered to your office within 3 business days of you sending the request to me. My assistant, Morgan, will call you to get details of what phone number/contact info you want on the postcard.
By November 12th you must email Morgan with the number of pies you want ( We will send out reminder emails before then. The pies are fresh baked 8 inch apple pies from Mann Orchard in Methuen, MA and they cost $7.95 each. We will pick up the pies on the afternoon of November 22nd and will deliver your pies to your office that day. On November 23rd the offices will have fresh cider and coffee and will be ready to welcome your clients in to pick up their pies. We always recommend you order a few extra in case someone forgets to RSVP.
We will bill you on your Membership invoice issued in December for both your pies and your postcards.
Have a Spooktacular Halloween at RE/MAX Prestige!
Friday, October 22, 2010
FREE Webinar: Responding to the Foreclosure Freeze
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Top 25 Individual/ Teams for September and Q3 2010!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fight Like A Girl
Friday, October 15, 2010
So You Want To Be A Rock Star In Your Business?
Halloween Safety Tips
Make your child's Halloween a memorable holiday and they'll have good memories that last a lifetime! If you are taking your kids out for the night, dress up as well. Mom and dad should get into Halloween as much as the kids do!
Trick or Treating should be one of the great adventures of Halloween for kids! They can get dressed in scary costumes and go door to door, begging "Tricks or Treats!" from neighbors or at the local mall. Lots of small towns have a Halloween Safe Night at the community center or school so kids can Trick-or-Treat safely but going door to door is the stuff of childhood memories! It should be a fun time, without trouble and pain, so following some easy tips can keep your child safe every Halloween.
Some towns set a curfew for trick or treating which makes it easier for townsfolk to know who's coming to their door. Make sure and stick to the curfew times and stick to subdivisions and areas with a lot of homes so your kids can get in as much trick or treating as possible in a few hours time. | |
Plan a safe route so parents know where their older kids will be at all times. Set a time for their return home. Make sure that your child is old enough and responsible enough to go out by themselves. Make sure that they have a cell phone. | |
Let your children know not to cut through back alleys and fields if they are out alone. Make sure they know to stay in populated areas and not to go off the beaten track. Let them know to stay in well lighted areas with lots of people around. Explain to them why it can be dangerous for kids not to do this. If they are going out alone, they are old enough to know what can happen to them in a bad situation and how to stop it from happening. | |
Instruct your children not to eat any treats until they bring them home to be examined by you. This way you can check for any problem candy and get the pick of the best stuff! | |
Instruct your child to never go into the home of a stranger or get into their car. Explain why this is not a god idea and what to do if someone approaches them and tries to talk to them. | |
Make sure your child carries a flashlight, glow stick or has reflective tape on their costume to make them more visible to cars. | |
Let them know that they should stay together as a group if going out to Trick or Treat without an adult. |
Thursday, October 14, 2010
MAR Convention & Trade Show

Adopt a Family For The Holidays
Help out by either donating items on the family’s holiday wish list and/or buying their Thanksgiving dinner.
______Check here to donate holiday gifts! Preferred size of family: ________
______Check here to buy a Thanksgiving Dinner!
Your name: ___________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Email: ________________________________
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
My Kid's Got Talent Art Contest Ends Friday!

Learn and Earn Friday Featuring Jared James

Friday Morning Learn and EarnsEvery Friday morning at 9:30 RE/MAX Prestige hosts an On Demand training forum courtesy of RE/MAX University. We will send along a list of upcoming training events every two weeks. The events will be held at 9:30 am and for the duration of each program (anywhere from one hour to three hours) depending on the program. The programs will be played on our RE/MAX University ROKU Boxes which are located in the SITO Training Facilty at RE/MAX in Dracut and our Training Conference Room in East Longmeadow. Please RSVP if you will be attending so that we may make sure that we have plenty of space, coffee, and and learning hand outs.
Friday, October 15th 9:30-11:30
No Limits: 7 Ways to Grow Your Business Now!
Keeping the Fire and Drive Alive
Thursday, October 7, 2010
One Simple Way To Increase Income

6 Ways to be Positive in Any Situation
- Shift Your Thoughts – Be conscious of your thoughts. Especially, when life just isn’t going your way. The moment you see that you are diving into frustration, agony, sorrow and low self-esteem – shift your thoughts, by thinking about something completely unrelated. This breaks the pattern of self-pity, mind-created stories, and negative downward spiral. What makes us different from other mammals is our ability to control our thoughts and think for ourselves.
- Find the Lesson – There is a lesson to be learned from every situation. No matter how unfortunate the situation may appear, recognize the beautiful lessons waiting to be discovered. Sometimes lessons are expensive, but every problem is a learning opportunity in disguise. You may have made a mistake, but now you can accept it and continue, knowing that you will make a different decision in the future. Understand this and be appreciative for the experience.
- Attitude of Gratitude – You cannot be both angry and grateful at the same time. Start counting the blessings and miracles in your life, start looking for them and you shall find more. What’s there not to be grateful? You are alive and breathing! Realize how lucky you are and all the abundance in your life.
- Positive Affirmations & Visualization – Practice seeing yourself in a positive and confident light. Do this whenever you have a few minutes (examples; Waiting for a friend, sitting on the bus, riding an elevator.) Self-affirmations (list of positive statements about yourself and your self image) are another simple and powerful tool to train your subconscious to see yourself in a positive light. This is important, as many of us can be so hard on ourselves though social conditioning. I am guilty of being extra tough on myself, but have learned over time to recognize my gifts rather than finding false and self-imposed inadequacies.
- Inventory of Memories – Keep an inventory of memories that can immediately make you smile. Occasions where you felt happy, appreciative and cheerful. When you were at peace with the world. Whenever you are in a negative frame of mind, consciously and deliberately pick up any leaf out of this inventory and dwell on it. Reminiscing those happy moments gives a balanced perspective to your situation. You realize that what appears negative today will change tomorrow. Nothing stays the same.
- Criticizing Detox Diet – Change your approach and attitude. See if you can stop criticizing others and situations. Our cultural conditioning teaches us to find flaws and problems at all times. Shift from fault-finding to appreciation-finding.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Join Us For Our October Sales Rally!!
Westford Fall Family Fun Fest!

The Family Fun Fest is on Sunday, October 16 from 10AM to 6PM
Sponsored by RE/MAX Prestige and othersThere will be a halloween coloring contest, a children's costume parade, lots of candy, dancing, arts and crafts, and a special performance by comedian Dan Foley at noon.
Bring your scarecrow to Kimball Farm on October 16th to enter the scarecrow contest and win a cash prize!Also, Kimball Farm day passes will be sold for only $10- that includes mini golf, bumper boats, batting cages, driving range and a lot more! Click HERE for more info or to sign up for the scarecrow contest!
RE/MAX Prestige Westford is looking for someone to wear the Balloon Man suit to this event. If interested, please email mary@maryalcorn.comFriday, October 1, 2010
Join Our SWAT Team