'Twas the night before Christmas, and the market was lax
Real estate agents were busy, especially at RE/MAX.
For Sale Signs were hanging in their red, white, and blue
And agents were busy writing contracts for homes old and new.
The past clients of 09 were nestled all snug in their new beds,
While visions of tax credits danced in their heads.
And Stacey wearing her balloon pin, and Andy in his blue suit,
Started working the phones to find the next new recruit.
When down in the lobby there arose such a clatter,
We sprang from our desks to see what was the matter.
Away to the window Andy flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters to see it was snowing green cash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen dough
It was a gift from the government in the form of tax credits and rates so low.
When, in the parking lot out back to our wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.
With no driver in sight, and a fluffy red suit on the seat,
Andy changed into the red suit and was steering into the air in a heartbeat.
He flew about town distributing materials on the tax credit and rates,
But he knew he’d need help because buyers and sellers shouldn’t wait.
"Now, Shirley! Now, Amsi! Now, Kevin and Dan!
To NH, please Roberta! And Paula! And, Kerry and Pam!”
Western MA needed to hear this so he called all his elves
Including The King Group, Art, Tom, and John W as well
“Now, Sherry! Now, Gwen! Now Sara and Genie!
We must spread the word..from here to Buffini!”
Methuen was new, but the town needed to hear,
So Andy called more agents to help spread the good cheer.
“Yanelys, Michelle, Grace and Jenn too!”
Summoning his agents…through the sky Andy flew.
Tewksbury to Billerica, Derek, John, Claudette and Patsy too,
Every single agent was needed, not just a few.
From Joan and Barb in Westford to Dracut and Team Barrett,
The market was so good…Andy needed every agent to share it.
Mark T and Team Groton…DP and his team of five,
All 187 agents were needed and the COFI staff to thrive.
To the tip of the state! And a visit to every town!
Andy needed help! So he picked up Stacey…still in her hospital gown!
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they met with any obstacle, they’d mount to the sky.
So up to every house the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of pamphlets, on the tax credit and short sales too.
As the twilight of Christmas began to shine,
Andy and Stacey were tired but new they’d be fine.
Their agents had come out, all 187 plus staff,
To work through the evening to educate the mass.
Andy’s eyes -- how they twinkled! His smile how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And his hair was all curly with some white as the snow.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
On back to Chelmsford Andy steered the sled.
He spoke not a word, his job was done,
For agents, buyer, and sellers… year 2010 would be a good one.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, into the parking lot he drove.
He sprang from his sleigh, to his team of agents he gave a whistle,
And away to their homes they went like the down of a thistle.
But I heard Andy exclaim, as the RE/MAX agents drove out of sight,
"Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good-night.”
Happy Holidays to You and Your Families
- Stacey Alcorn & Andrew Armata
RE/MAX Prestige