Sunday, March 30, 2008

RE/MAX Prestige Agents make CLEAN SWEEP at Awards Ceremony

This past Friday marked the RE/MAX of New England awards rally. It was a spectacular day of education and motivation. Speakers at the rally included Loretta Laroche, Alison Levine, and Ken Blanchard. Loretta as a sales comedian who had us all howling in our chairs. She was followed by Alison Levine, who is known for climbing Mt. Everest after surviving several heart surgeries. Finally, we heard from Ken Blanchard. He's written a million great books. Some of my favorites include Whale Done, The One Minute Manager, and Raving Fans (just to name a few). I think what I enjoyed about his lecture the most was about how people who are extremely successful in life have a remarkable sense of perspective. They are able to float to the top of the ceiling and evaluate their position differently then most. People with a good sense of perspective are usually very positive thinkers. Why? Because they feel fortunate as compared to others no matter what life brings their way. Anyway, I'm probably biased because I'm a "raving fan" of Ken Blanchards. As for the rest of the awards ceremony we were extremely proud to see many of our agents get top awards. Nancy Rogers received the Lifetime Achievement award. We had twenty eight agents receive awards all together. After the event there were about 25 of us who really got to enjoy each other's company at a local Boston hang out. What a great day for a great group of agents!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy St. Patty's, Easter, Spring!

Three unbelievable occassions all in one week. At RE/MAX Prestige, we started the week with a fantastic St. Patrick's Day. Some of us went to Cobblestones to watch the bag pipe band. Some of us went to The Dubliner for more traditional Irish music, and some of us went to the Claddagh. All in all, it was a fantastic day. Then, mid-week we were blessed with the favorite season of every real estate agent... SPRING. Yes, it's here, and the market is hot, hot, hot! For more information about what's happening this Spring at RE/MAX Prestige check out our Newsletter at Finally, we are ending the week with Easter. Some of us are doing open houses but most of us are taking the day to enjoy with friends and loved ones. It's a perfect opportunity to thank our families for their support in our real estate careers.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

RE/MAX Prestige Honored at International Convention

The convention is still humming along and we are learning so much great information to implement in our businesses. The best part of the convention so far was the Night of the Stars Award ceremony which took place at the MGM Grand last night. RE/MAX Prestige was honored with the award for Top Office in Largest Net Gain in Sales Associates in the United States for 2007! That's right folks, nobody in the country is growing like RE/MAX Prestige! Every single agent at our firm had a part in earning this award by joining our office in 2007 or encouraging your peers to join. Thank you to our team for making RE/MAX Prestige the best place to work in real estate. Also at last nights ceremony, our very own Christina Lazrak took home the prestigious Platinum Club award which is given to associates who earned $250,000 or more in commissions in 2007. Well, we have one more day of excitement at the 2008 RE/MAX Convention. Rest assured we won't come home empty handed. We have gained so much knowledge by surrounding ourselves with the very best agents and owners in the world and we will not let that go to waste! Oh by the way.. to start today off just right Andy and I walked the Susan G. Komen Race for a Cure 5K this morning!

CNN: May be the best time to buy in 4 years!

It's rare to find a news article that's got any positive information about today's housing market. Today I found one on and I wanted to share it with you so that maybe it will help you get your next buyer off the Go to to read the article.

Howdy from Sunny Las Vegas!

Tuesday was the first official day of the RE/MAX International Convention and it was unbelievable. The day began with a great review of RE/MAX then and now with a presentation as to where we were in 1973 and where we stand today. This marks the 35th anniversary of RE/MAX and at every convention they roll out great tools, technology and information for agents to embrace for the coming year. We can’t forget last year’s convention where they rolled out RE/MAX University with Agent Training on Demand (ATOD) which now is home to hundreds of the best training programs available in real estate. At this convention they announced the new training program they are rolling out with Brian Buffini called the Ultimate Agent. For the past year and half more then 30 of you have graduated from our Buffini’s 100 Days to Greatness program. Now they’ve developed the Ultimate Agent program for agents who have completed 100 Days to Greatness or agents who are looking to find a way to break through the $100K, $200K or even $500K a year ceiling. We saw a preview of this program today and cannot wait to bring it to RE/MAX Prestige. Dave Liniger also introduced RE/MAX 365. RE/MAX 365 is a year-long, aggressive campaign featuring the most relevant education, information and tools that agents need to survive and thrive in a changing market.
The program includes special broadcasts and live "Town Hall" meetings on RSN, targeted peer studies on ATOD and focused education from Brian Buffini, plus specialized tools from RE/MAX International that work for agents 365 days a year. We were also very excited to find out that Dave Liniger, founder of RE/MAX International now has a blog on RE/MAX Mainstreet. Now you can login each week to find out Dave's perspective on today's market. All in all, it's turning out to be a great convention. Right before writing this email, Andrew and I even had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with co-founder of RE/MAX, Gail Liniger. Rest assured that we are taking lots of notes so that we can come back armed with more tools, more technology, more information to offer our agents and loan originators new ways to grow their businesses.